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Lauren DujmOvic

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TV Show / Stranger Things


Movie / Notting Hill


Singer / Frank Ocean


Book / Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)



"Life is short. Remember, focus on what matters and let go of what doesn’t"


-Muhammad Adnan

Lauren Dujmovic is the daughter of Mirko Dujmovic and Pamela Dixon, and is sister to Nicholas. She is a Grade 11 student at New West Secondary School. Lauren has studied dance at many schools around the lower mainland, and is a cheerleader, previously performing with Hyack Community Cheer and now Royal City Cheer and Tumbling. She has also played lacrosse, soccer and flag football in New Westminster, and has participated in Sparks, Brownies and Girl Guides. After high school, Lauren would like to be a social worker or a nurse, like her aunt, and hopes to travel the Europe. She especially would like to visit Croatia, where her grandparents are from. 


Lauren is inspired by her nana, Dorothy Fortier. "She was such a smart lady," says Lauren. Dorothy was a teacher and had a double major from UBC, in Education and Physics, at a time when many women didn’t go to Post Secondary school. She volunteered teaching ESL when she retired. Unfortunately she lost her
battle to cancer, but during her battle she showed strength, dignity, and humour.


Lauren's most treasured keepsake is a Pandora bracelet that represents many of the wonderful places she's had the opportunity to go and the milestones that she's experienced in her lifetime. Everyone in her family has given her
at least one bead, including one very special bead of forget-me-not flowers from her Papa, who gave it to her before the worsening of his dementia.

Besides the Hyack Festival, Lauren loves spending time in the Royal City with her friends at the Quay and Queens Park. "There is so much to do, and so many beautiful things to look at. These places are something that everyone in the community can enjoy."


Lauren's proudest moment in her life, so far, was winning the Provincial Cheerleading championships with my Royal City Senior Sublime team.
Being part of a team that practiced so hard and pulled together to get the highest score of ALL teams was really special.


If Lauren could trade place with anyone she would trade places with with Nicola Tesla because he had such a brilliant mind. "I would love to be able to see how he came up with all those inventions in technology, when the world wasn’t that advanced at the time."


If Lauren could give advice to her 13-year-old self, she would tell herself not to be afraid to ask for help.

Lauren believes she would make a good Hyack Ambassador because she loves New Westminster, would be a positive role model for the younger
generation, and would inspire others to challenge themselves.

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