Priya DHaliwal
Sponsored by Key West Ford New West

TV Show / Friends
Movie / Gladiator
Song / Shallow (Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper)
Book / The Outsiders (S.E. Hinton)

Priya is the daughter of Adam and Lovleen Dhaliwal, and is sister to Maneesha and Hariah. Priya is a grade 12 student at Burnaby Central, where she is a Grade 12 representitive on Student Council and a member of Enviro Club. Priya plays sports including soccer, basketball, cross country/track and field, and also plays piano. In her spare time, Priya coaches youth girls' soccer, and helps to organize and run school events. Priya dreams of becoming a physician, and hopes to study sciences and attend medical school. She also hopes to travel the world, and would especially like to visit Iceland!
Priya is inspired by her grandparents because of the challenges they overcame and sacrifices they made
when they immigrated to Canada, from India. "They built their success from almost nothing and their resilience is something I am inspired by."
Some of Priya's favourite activities in the Royal City, besides the Hyack Festival, are running at Mercer Stadium and around her neighbourhood, biking at the Quay, and swimming at Moody Park outdoor pool in the summer
Priya's proudest moment in her life so far was when she was selected to attend the NAV Canada Explore
Aviation Camp, as 1 of 30 girls from across Canada, and independently flew out to Cornwall, Ontario.
If Priya were to trade places with anyone in the world, she would choose Michelle Obama, because she is a very intelligent and successful woman, and her desire to make a positive impact in our world is something Priya hopes to one day take part in.
If she could give advice to her 13-year-old self, Priya would tell herself: "Don’t be so focused on what other people think about you. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, and take all the opportunities presented to you."
Priya believes she would make a good Hyack Ambassador because she is a responsible and a strong leader, and is determined to support and be involved within her community.
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
-Wayne Gretzky