Program info
The Hyack Festival Association looks forward to continuing the Hyack Ambassador Leadership Program in its entirety this year. However, should on-going restrictions and mandates still be in effect, the Hyack Festival Association reserves the right to suspend the 2023 program with appropriate notice to all participants.
"Be a Hyack Ambassador and develop your best SELF - through Service, Education, Leadership and Fun!"
All candidates complete 8 months of training and volunteering before their installation as Ambassadors and receiving their scholarships.
The program consists of four key components:
The Ambassadors volunteer and assist at up to 60 local, civic, community and sponsor events each year, collectively donating over 1500 hours of participation and volunteer services. Ambassadors work with seniors, veterans, and children through local organizations, contribute to our charity of choice, Cystic Fibrosis Canada, and much more. Each Ambassador leaves with more than adequate volunteer hours for her Grad Transition secondary school requirement and a wealth of valuable experience.

Sound like a good fit?
Contact the Hyack office for more info
T: (604) 522-6894
Statement of Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The Hyack Ambassador Youth Leadership program is dedicated to equal opportunity and inclusive culture. We hope that as representatives of our city, our Ambassadors reflect the diversity of their community. Our program mandate is: To Encourage, Educate and Empower young women in the City of New Westminster. We welcome all eligible and interested individuals within this program mandate to apply and be considered for our program, including but not limited to Indigenous peoples, racialized individuals, persons of diverse sexual orientation and persons with disabilities and/or neurodiversity.
Why a program for girls?
"Women make up just over half of the Canadian population, yet continue to be underrepresented in political and professional leadership positions."
In 2022, women still only represent about 30% of senior management roles, elected officials and other leadership (Statistics Canada). With the value of equity, we are committed to providing leadership training and experience to young women and girls.
Respect, kindness and community are key values that shape our program. Our Candidates and Ambassadors make a written commitment against bullying and harassment, and we take issues brought to our attention with great importance. We strive to create an environment in which participants and guests feel welcome and safe.
Have a concern?
The Hyack Ambassador program has evolved a lot over the years. We are committed to continued self-assessment and evaluation of our practices, and welcome your feedback. We appreciate that concerns be directed to our committee for review by emailing the Hyack office.